Michigan Things

Can’t help but make stuff about a place you love. This is an ongoing collection of Michigan-themed work that started with the Michigan lines graphics. I guess this is my ode to Michigan, the best state in the union. This is only the beginning of the series.

The Made in Michigan graphic was something I wanted to make for a while—something to call my own and to use on products that I have made and can certify as 100% made in Michigan. This may become a sticker or a tchotchke of some sort.

The Michigan Double Wild Cherry graphic was influenced by the craft beer industry that I watched explode in Grand Rapids during my early 20s, as well as by the novelty craft sodas I’ve found in tourist places.

The Michigan Lines line drawing graphic was inspired by some type I used on a Horrocks graphic I was tinkering with. Although it was inspired by that Horrocks graphic, this design is entirely created from scratch: sketched out first and then digitally laid out line by line. No type was used in the creation of this. Just good ol’ blood and hand cramps.

Star Poppies

The Star Poppy graphic was one of those creations that came out of tinkering with star/flower shapes while trying to craft the branded NelsoArt star/slower. I added some color and began to stack and expand the forms, and boom, out blossomed some star poppies in several color varieties.

Space Hop

“Intergalactic and extraordinary” is how you’d describe the flavor if these hops could be made into beer. The Space Hops came from a mural that I created on the side for Horrocks for the Beer Garden’s bar. I later played with the hops, vectorized them, and licensed them out to Horrocks for use in the Ice Bar and Beer Garden as a part of the branding and merch. Since I  loves to play with color, I have made colorful variations of his original. Now grab a few of these stickers and have a pint! Cheers.

Holy Spirit Fire Dove

The Holy Spirit Fire Dove Graphics were concept ideas for some client work. When the clients chose a different design option, I naturally took it upon myself to tinker and add color to them. They may find a use on clothing.

Biodegradable Symbol

When I was researching environmental packaging solutions, I noticed the many different biodegradable symbols out there, and it inspired me to create my own for my glassine shipping bags. I made the design into a linocut stamp and went to town inking and stamping some of the glassine bags. I was worried about how this would stay on a slippery glassine surface, but once the water-soluble ink dries, it’s good to go.

Subscribe to our newsletter to download the symbol and use it on anything that needs to be identified as biodegradable! This is my gift to the world to use.

Department Of Art

If the US had an official Department of Art, this is what it could look like—at least in my mind. Inspiration was taken from NASA’s old branding and other US Government branding from the 1960’s – 1980’s, as well as my jobs as Art & Media Director. After several revisions, the Department of Art is ready to crack down on branding violations and crap work from sea to shining sea—standard regulation attire to come soon.